1. Code of conduct

Code of conduct (Yama & Niyama)

Correct behavior is so important because the sum of all your movements in mind, feelings, words, and actions creates your future. Everything you send out today comes back to you 'tomorrow' (=in the future) (=karma, respectively, the principle of cause and effect).

But people usually don't recognize this because, on this level of existence that we humans are on, cause and effect usually take place at a different time. E.g., today I help an old lady cross the street, and two months later, a stranger gives me an apple for no apparent reason.

The connection between the original action and the temporally offset energetic chargeback is also difficult to recognize because it usually does not manifest itself as exactly the same action. In other words, after 2 months, someone won't help me across the street (since I may not need that), but the energy generated at that time will be balanced out by a corresponding energy - in our example, I get an apple as a gift.

Another thing to mention is that the level at which this karma is stored in our being is not dissolved after each incarnation. We take old karma with us into each new incarnation until it is dissolved again. This is a very simplified explanation, but it should illustrate this principle.

Patanjali (=the author of the Yoga Sutra) discusses the topic of 'Karma' in sutras 2.12-14.

If you manage to implement the following rules in everyday life, you will create a more beautiful, more relaxed, and more fulfilling life, which forms the perfect basis for penetrating into deeper and deeper levels in meditation and thereby getting closer and closer to your true self.

With the first two limbs of Ashtanga Yoga - with Yama and Niyama - in the sutras 2.30-45, the Yoga Sutras give us a guide for correct behavior.


= abstentions; the relationship to the environment

1. Don't be violent (in Sanskrit: Ahimsa)

Violence begins in the head; thinking negative thoughts towards yourself and others leads to corresponding emotions, words, and, in extreme cases, even violent actions. It is very helpful for mastering this yama to open yourself up to higher perspectives about the true nature of things with the help of meditation and the 'study of the scriptures' (=spiritual texts, but also e.g., YouTube videos from spiritual teachers, etc.) because you become capable of transforming negative thoughts into positive or at least neutral ones.

2. Don't lie; truthfulness; speaking and living the truth (Satya)

3. Don't steal; being independent (Asteya)

Of course, the energetic level is also included here. And yes... e.g., downloading (or streaming) digital products that are not free is also stealing and has corresponding (karmic) consequences.

4. Seeing God in everything; don't focus on the superficial appearance of things (Brahmacharya)

This also means, for example, that you shouldn't focus on human mistakes but rather learn to see the soul that lies behind them. This is a very powerful practice that can completely change your relationship with yourself and the world for the better!

'Brahmacharya' literally means 'walking in God', or 'one who is always aware of the nature of God', and is interpreted differently by different translators and commentators of the Yoga Sutras. These are further interpretations that resonate with me:

  • Celibacy; not wasting sexual energy (=sexual energy can be used; see taoist or tantric practices taught by Mantak Chia, for example)

  • Move towards what's important; don't waste time

5. Not wanting to own (Aparigraha)

Aparigraha is a general attitude towards the material world.


= rules/recommendations for one's own life; the relationship with oneself

1. Purity; cleanliness (Saucha)

Purity outside and inside, which also includes purity of thoughts, food, etc.

2. Contentment; sufficiency (Santosha)

Being satisfied only with yourself - how you/everything is right now - without needing anything else (people, material goods, etc.). But... that doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for certain things.

3. Discipline (Tapas)

It is very important to do the exercises disciplined and with endurance, and thereby get or keep your body and mind fit and get ever closer to self-realization.

4. Study of (spiritual) scriptures and self-reflection (=observing your own thoughts, feelings, and actions) (Swadhyaya)

Here are some of the teachers/teachings that I have found to be very consistent and that I can recommend:

Louise Kay (in englisch), ChannelHigherSelf (in English), Bentinho Massaro (in English), Eckhart Tolle (mainly in English, but also in other languages), Maryam (mainly in German, but much content is also available in other languages).

5. Trust in God; devotion to God (Ishvara Pranidhana)

The trust that all experiences I have are FOR ME (=an important treasure of experience for my soul) and not against me.

So, that's it for the code of conduct, let's move on to... 2. Meditation - THE tool